Over 13,000 people die each year in accidents occurring in everyday situations. Many of these deaths could be prevented if a trained First Aider was on hand or appointed person was there to assist.
Northern Bear Safety runs two first aid courses: 2 day First Aid at Work or 1 Day Emergency First Aid at Work, both can be tailored to suit your own work industry.
During the courses all learners will be given the opportunity to practice their skills on injury controls, resuscitation (manikin), shock, choking and recovery position. Upon completion of the training successful candidates will receive pass certificates which are valid for three years.
The 2 Day First Aid at Work course provides candidates with a more in depth knowledge of first aid provisions and to take control of an emergency situation where someone who has become ill or injured until the emergency services arrives.
Emergency First Aid at Work – 1 Day course – provides candidates with basic first aid skill and knowledge to assist in an emergency situation involving someone who has become ill or injured.
For all our open course dates please email training@northernbearsafety.com